Friday, September 19, 2008

Big Daddy Caddy Canceled -- New Classes scheduled

Big Daddy Caddy (a great dance band) has canceled their show at the Noblesville Moose tomorrow night.

Other news: I will be starting a new round of classes soon.

More Ballroom
Wednesdays, October 15 - November 19, 2008
Forest Park Center
Muncie IN

More Swing
Wednesdays, October 15 - November 19, 2008
Forest Park Center
Muncie IN

CALL AHEAD FOR THE MORE BALLROOM AND MORE SWING CLASSES -- I must have at least 6 couples to be able to schedule the class (765-749-9080)

Beginning Ballroom
Sundays, October 19 - November 23, 2008
Forest Park Center
Muncie IN

Beginning Swing
Sundays, October 19 - November 23, 2008
Forest Park Center
Muncie IN

Sundays, October 19 - November 23, 2008
Forest Park Center
Muncie IN

Call to register: 765-749-9080

I hope you dance!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Some classes cancelled

Unfortunately, I have had to cancel my Monday and Wednesday classes due to lack of enrollment. The economy is really taking its toll... I still have my Sunday classes (Beg. Ballroom at 2pm, Beg. Swing at 3pm, and Latin at 4pm). If I hear from enough people in the next day or two, I'll set up Intermediate Ballroom and Intermediate Swing classes for Monday evenings.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cancelled classes

Well, I had to cancel my Wednesday night classes. Wednesday nights have always been bad -- I will probably no longer offer classes on that night. My Sunday classes should be great. I have a lot of people of my list for all three Sunday classes. Not sure about Monday. If I don't get many people next Monday evening, I'll offer a couple of Level II/Intermediate classes on Monday nights. Stay tuned!